No matter how careful you are with your jewelry, it will eventually get scratched or dirty. When this happens, bring it in for a cleaning and get that eye catching shine back!
We’re always happy to inspect and lightly clean your piece free of charge in our store! We’ll clean while you shop! We will check prongs, and look for any issues in the piece that needs attention. Our only goal is to make sure you’re well informed on the current state of your jewelry along with returning a bright, shiny clean piece back to you!
If you have cleaned your jewelry but notice that there are still blemishes, you may want to consider getting it professionally polished. This service starts at $25 for relatively simple pieces. This includes buffing out shallow scratches and checking prongs for wear and tear. The price increases with the complexity of the piece.
If your ring or bracelet is made of white gold and you notice that it is losing its white color, you may want to consider getting the rhodium re-plated. This involves additional work and valuable materials, so it typically costs $90 and up for a ring. A new rhodium plating will give your piece a lustrous white gold!